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Oft misunderstood soul. Shy, reserved, likes to stay in the background, but inevitably mistaken as not shy, extrovert etc. Originally meant to be a culinary blog, but in due course discovered man does not live on cake alone..hence the waffle.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Dinner With The Queen in the Permaisuri Agong.

Anyway, on Saturday night, I bumped into old friend, in BSC, who had a trolley full of very expensive packaging boxes, like RM40 each. She was telling me that it was for cupcakes, for the Permaisuri, no less. Of course, I had to up the ante, and announce that I was having "dinner with the queen" the following night, and if I do speak to her, I would tell her, "oh, I hope you enjoy your cupcakes tomorrow".

In actual fact, I was invited to a wedding dinner, where their majesties, the King and Queen (of Malaysia, that is), would be present. So, in a way, I was having "dinner" with them, albeit with 800 other guests. No big deal la, actually. Wedding dinners with royalty are full of protocol, and can be tedious, and in the case of Muslim weddings, there is no alcohol either. These are usually sure recipes for boredom, BUT for the fact that your own table is full of fun people, and the ever handy hip flask, filled with vodka, acts as a perfect complement to the blackcurrant cordial that is served.

Nevertheless, we were very honored to be invited for this glittering gala. It truly epitomises the Malaysian Muhibbah spirit. The groom is Indian Chinese descent, whilst the resplendent bride is Malay. It doesn't get anymore Malaysian than that, unless you throw in some Kadazan/Iban/Dayak blood somewhere along the line. The bersanding ceremony was a colorful affair, of course, the first to bless the nuptial couple being the King himself.

Mr Reliable and Red Planet had foreseen that dinner would be more like suppertime, and had earlier on had their fill, with Mr Reliable tucking in a club sandwhich at the hotel lounge. By 9.15, I was getting ravenous, and had walloped the wedding cake. (as in the little complimentary pieces on the table, not the main cake on the dais)

. Anyway, we initially had some problem getting a table to fit all of us. Complacency had us entering the ballroom a bit late, assuming that there will be an entire empty table, but as luck would have it, this group is good friends with the emcee, so we conveniently plonked ourselves on the table marked EMCEE/USTAZ.
The emcee was famous ex newscaster, Mahadhir Lokman.
He is a friendly guy, rather jolly, and very down to earth. Pantuns and sajaks in tow, he glided through the protocol like an old hand. Ampun Tuanku Beribu ribu ampun, sembah patik harap di ampun.....
Wonder if you have to say that with the british queen. I can't even begin to translate.

Food was finally served at 9.23pm, (I checked my watch for precise time, coz Red Planet and Mr Reliable said no earlier than 9.30)...the usual fare for malay weddings. Briyani rice, rendang, chicken curry, etc etc. Very tasty. Problem with this kind of menu is, its a carbo nightmare, as all that lovely saucy food MUST go with rice.

Our happening table, with the bersanding dais as the backdrop

Well, it turned out to be a rather enjoyable night. Good company, good food, glitterati all around, not a bad way to spend a Sunday night.

The bersanding dais.


Blogger boo_licious said...

Hey, this wedding dinner got into the papers also! Read abt it yesterday. The only problem abt Malay weddings is the wait for the food....then after you eat it's time to cabut!

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha. Small world! I was invited to the same wedding dinner but couldn't go because the mourning period for my father-in-law is not over yet.

10:26 PM  

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