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Oft misunderstood soul. Shy, reserved, likes to stay in the background, but inevitably mistaken as not shy, extrovert etc. Originally meant to be a culinary blog, but in due course discovered man does not live on cake alone..hence the waffle.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Tai Tai-dom and Chef-dom All At The Same Time

Our dear friend, Kung See Lai, has been on a cooking rampage. Whipping up desserts, at first, and now into full fledged chinese/asian cooking. Which is no mean feat!! I reckon asian cooking is one of the hardest cuisines, due to the lengthy preparation times, and cooking times. We were the lucky beneficiaries of her newly acquired culinary skills, and were treated to a lovely sit down dinner at the hallowed halls of their home.

Dont you just love these intimate soirees, good food, good friends, good wine, ah, it doesn't get much better than this.

The darndest thing was against my better judgement, I had some coffee because Lanky Lawyer had brought along yow char kuai, (chinese cruellers), and ham cheen peang, which were crying out to be dunked in thick local coffee.... this moment of weakness caused me an entire sleepless night. It's like having a hangover, without the highs of the night before.

Beancurd With Dried Shrimp and Chilli

Kailan With Beef

My favourite, ribs with an assortment of spices, cardamom, cinnamon, with Lea Perrins sauce, if I am not mistaken.

Prawn Vindaloo

There was also a steamed fish, but by the time I remembered to take pictures, the food was almost half gone. For dessert, we had the tiramisu that I brought, doused in a bit too much kahlua I think.

Thanks for a lovely dinner, Kung See Lai.


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