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Oft misunderstood soul. Shy, reserved, likes to stay in the background, but inevitably mistaken as not shy, extrovert etc. Originally meant to be a culinary blog, but in due course discovered man does not live on cake alone..hence the waffle.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Fatboybakes Goes Commercial

Was at the Lake Club introduction night, with Director of Investment Banking, Famous Merchant Bank in town, and lovely wife, when I got a "distress" call from friend of a friend who runs a restaurant in suburbia. She urgently needed two types of dessert for today, and being a sucker for a damsel in distress, I obliged, although I was wondering HOW I could accomplish the task, given that I was half intoxicated on cheap plonk, and it was almost 10pm.

Anyway, I promised her my orange mocha chocolate brownie, and a lemon tart....since I had the ingredients on hand, at home. Had to stop over at 7-11 to pick up some eggs, and actually, by 11.30pm, had completed the task. Applause please, thank you. This MIGHT be the birth of fatboybakes into the commercial arena.

Then again, she or her customers might pan it, and it may herald the premature death of a baking career.


Blogger YOU! said...

looks scrumptious!!! MUST resist... waistline expanding (combat members are very keen on spotting bulging tummy...)

1:59 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

wow, both that in one and a half hours, incl driving time... you DESERVE to have a successful commercial baking career!! those brownies look sinful... *off to the other blog to check out recipe!*

1:35 PM  

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